All prices in Australian Dollars and are inclusive of taxes (GST).
There may be additional fees charged by your credit card company
All events at locations other than the 2 hotels, start from the foyer of the Pan Pacific, leaving at the time indicated.
Status of booking in Guest list is indicated in Brackets - (C)onfirmed, (P)ending or (W)aitlisted
You must be logged in to an approved account, before you can book for any events.
You do NOT have to pay for this registration immediately.
You can add other events to your cart first, then pay for them all in a single transaction.
The registration fee must be paid or added to cart before any other events can be booked.
All guests attending events during the IBD are required to register. If a registration has not already been paid or included in the cart it will be automatically added.
Physical registrations and pick up of badges, bags and shirts will open on Thursday.
This fee is to cover overheads such as badges and goodie bags and non-delegate event expenses.The registration fee must be paid or added to cart before any other events can be booked.
All guests attending events during the IBD are required to register. If a registration has not already been paid or included in the cart it will be automatically added.
Physical registrations and pick up of badges, bags and shirts will open on Thursday.
This fee is to cover overheads such as badges and goodie bags and non-delegate event expenses.